The best 3 strategies for memorizing new words
Every students have a problem with memorizing new words. To get a high score in TOEFL, some advanced words are needed to be memorized. Thus, it must be determined as an important part of TOEFL preparation. After reading this, doing this the best 10 tips will help you out of this issue. Let`s focus on what you should do to remember new words like your native language.
The best 5 tips
1st strategy : When memorizing new words, bond it to your mother-tongue. It means that "think a word of your native language, which sounds like (nearby) your memorizing word. After that, you should create a very little story with this word to remember including real meaning of the word. This strategy is used around the world. It is very helpful and recommended.
For example, we will use "unleash" as an example. It sounds like "anash" which means a giraffe in Mongolian language. Then make a story by using 2 of them like " We are unleashing a very little giraffe from the iron fence." In mongolian language, it sounds like " Bid jijig anashiig sullaj baina" Think in only your native language which will be very helpful for your memorization.

2nd strategy : Use a flash card. It is also very efficient to make you remember new words easily. If you memorize new words with your friend who wants to learn english or take the toefl test, use it together, so that it will impact the result enermously.

3rd strategy : Do exercise books which are about vocabuly. There are a lot of this kind of books. These books are available on our blog with download links which work 100%. I recommend use these books :

1. Peterson`s master toefl vocabulary
2. Barron`s 504 absolutely essential words
3. Toefl pocket vocabulary : 500 words
4. 400 must have words for the Toefl iBT
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