3 month TOEFL iBT study plan ( Lead you to success)

Most students who got a high score in TOEFL iBT prepared for the TOEFL with any plan. In other words, they made their own schedule or followed any successful plan. However, some students could achieve a high score without any preperations or any plans. In order to do that in this way, they had studied English for a long time, so if you have that knowledge ( as I said before), you can skip this, but if you don`t have or you are just beggining to study English and preparing for TOEFL iBT, you should read this.
Study schedule leads you to a High score. We can guarantee that it will work!
Before following the plan, you should determine in which level you are, so that you will be aware of which plan suits your english level.
1. Intermediate B1
2. Upper-Intermediate B2
3. Advanced C1
NOTE : If you think you are in Intermediate level, students must level up their general knowledge of English before the preparation because the fundamental skill of English is needed in the exam. You should reach B2 level at least in order to take Toefl. We suggest you to use this ebook. You can find some helpful grammar books in this blog. Check this.

First of all, determine in which sections you are bad. So many people fail in Toefl prep due to the fact that they do practice on every sections for all the time. Determining you are bad at gives you what skills more needed, and helps you consume the time properly. Thus, you will improve your skills equally.
Second thing to do is the time. As I said, you should consider your free time to practice, so plan your time schedule. It must be done. Without the timetable, your preparation will be nothing. Therefore, plan it.
1st month :
- Begin to practice on only your bad sections. It says that if you are bad in the reading, do the reading. If you are bad in listening, do the listening.
(Every people`s knowledge is different from each other. If you are planning to prepare for the Toefl iBT with your friends. Use your timetable to coordinate with your friend.)
2nd month :
- Do the all sections on the TPO. TPO is the offline software for TOEFL iBT. It has the same structure as TOEFL iBT. You can download it by clicking it.
3rd month :
- You are finally here. So do the TPO as usual, but do it only in the mornings. Because almost every test is taken in the mornings. Why only mornings? Adapting your physical body to waking up in the mornings and to do the tpo helps you get a high score. It is a very helpful tip (I used that it really worked)
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