What is the best strategy to get 100+ score in a month (Shared by Alen Danin)

To begin with, I personally got 114 points. I had been preparing for 3 months when I got this very good score FROM THE FIRST TIME. However, I made a lot of mistakes during my preparation, I didn’t know from where to begin, I spent too much money on useless “TOEFL books”. However, I found the right way to prepare. That’s why I was able to help many of my friends. With my help, they all got amazing scores with less than a month of preparation. I will be happy to help you in the way I wanted someone to help me during my preparation.
If you have less than 30 days to prepare, you should concentrate on strategies and not on improving your English. You cannot improve your English significantly for 20 days. However, if you focus on your weaknesses and if you have a strategy to overcome them, you can improve your TOEFl score significantly for a month.
Reading. If you have read a lot in English, you may not need a lot of preparation here. The Barron’s book gives you a lot of practice material for this section. (I don’t like this book for the other sections. The speaking and the writing parts are very different from that on the real exam) If you have this book, use it. However, if you haven’t already bought it, don’t buy it.
For the Listening it is very helpful to watch TV shows, interviews and films in English. I think that “Friends”in English with English subtitles is very helpful.
For the Listening and the reading I recommend to check this FREE TOEFL course: NOTEFULL They have amazing strategies !!!!!!
For the Speaking section you need A LOT OF strategies. I have talked to many excellent speakers who explained me that they find the Speaking section on the TOEFL very complicated. You have to answer very odd and unusual questions, to summarize reading passages and lectures and etc. No one speaks about these things in real life. I will tell you one secret. The questions in the speaking part follow a very certain pattern. For example, in question 5, two students discuss the problem of one of them and exactly two solutions. You can see the patterns, detailed explanations, examples and templates in the free course here: NOTEFULL
With the writing the situation is similar to the speaking. The questions follow the same pattern and in the free course you can find everything.
THE SPEAKING AND THE WRITING PART IN ALL OF THE BOOKS I HAVE BOUGHT ( Barron’s, Kaplan, Cambridge, Longman) DON’T FOLLOW THE PATTERN of the questions on the real exam.
An adequate book I bought was the :Official Guide to the TOEFL® Test, Fourth Edition. .It provides you with 4 practice tests that are very similar to the real exam.
However, the better source is NOTEFULL . It provides you with authentic and accurate speaking and writing practice material + STRATEGIES. I purchased COMPLETE TOEFL MASTERY : NOTEFULL + five tutoring sessions+ reviews.
So, you can use The Official guide+ the free course, or you can purchase some of the Notefull’s courses: NOTEFULL
If you have problems only with the reading part, you can purchase a Reading course. If you need more help for the Speaking section, you can purchase a Speaking course and etc. However, if you think you need help for all of the sections (LIKE ME), there are complete courses. In addition, there are different courses considering the time you have before your exam. They will help you improve even when you have 3 days left before the exam. You can see the courses, the special packages and offers here: NOTEFULL
For the Writing section you should practice as much as you can. The more you write, the easier it will become. NOTEFULL strategies are really helpful for the writing too. If you need a high score on the writing section, you can purchase a writing course only.
To sum up, I think that The Official guide and NOTEFULL strategies and help are enough to get a VERY HIGH score even, If you don’t have a lot of time.
I want to add that NOTEFULL is very helpful when you study alone. You can purchase a Speaking Review or a Writing Review . They send you practice material and when you complete it, you send your recorded answers back to them. They evaluate it and send to you a recording in which they explain you all of the mistakes you have made and the points that you have missed and how to succeed.
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